Today as I left the house and ran through the rain to my car my sandwiches flew from my grasp and landed in a bush.
(work going well apart from that!)
A sometimes daily account of my life - now with pictures!
Today as I left the house and ran through the rain to my car my sandwiches flew from my grasp and landed in a bush.
(work going well apart from that!)
Posted by
1:48 PM
Well, have managed to shake off my unemployability curse! I start work tomorrow 14 minutes away in a very pretty office where the people all seem smiley..
Anyway, I arrive home (feeling like crap I may add - body has responded to impending job by giving me one hell of a cold) and find that my cat has got yet another whisker trapped and now seperate from her body in the keyboard of my computer.. This is the second one now? Am quite confused...
Also, after my adventures in the Lake District and then Wales I have returned home to the prospect of my hamster having a tumour. Not v. good..
Sheep shearing in Wales
For those who ever think "how cool would it be to go sheep shearing!" consider this a warning!!!
Last weekend I attended a course with James, Dad and cousin Tom. We were mainly there for Dads friend who has actually bought a flock of sheep but we were all pretty intrigued.
The men showed us how to do it on one sheep as we all stood watching in awe and then informed us that it was "our turn."
Arrrrrgh! It was mayhem! We had to walk into the pen and grab a sheep with our thumb inside its mouth at the back of it's teeth. The next move was to turn the sheeps head back on itself and wrestle it to the ground.
After about ten minutes I managed to awkwardly persuade my sheep to fall over whilst the men stood smirking. Dragging the sheep out on it's back by the leg and the briskit (Which I was calling the biscuit all the way through and no-one thought to correct me) I managed to drag the 5 stone dead wait out of the pen.
The an escapee jumped over my head and ran off.
Clearly terrified (and absolutely knackered) I then managed to cut open the poor things leg.
Please do not worry - sheep was not harmed - I was assured that is normal?!?!?
In total I managed three sheep.
James, in some kind of heroic effort (and much foul language), managed to de-coat 5 of the things. Unfortunately two of which were full of maggots...
Needless to say we all pulled a sickie for the second day and I am still feeling crippled with aches and pains. I have never done anything so gruelling in my life. Hats off to the lads who do thousands of the things!!
Will post some pics later..
Posted by
4:02 PM
I am a designer (no, not of baskets - but Interiors) who moved to London with the big dream of progressing my career - only to be made redundant for the second time within 2 months :S