Hell is a blue piece of wallpaper
Oh I am so weary...
Today was "decorating Halle's bedroom" day. Her room was a bright blue colour so when Claire picked me up this morning to get the paint we got an extra tin of light pink paint to use as an undercoat.
Shopping list:
1 tin of vinyl paint (pale pink)
1 tin of vinyl-matt paint (lovely ice-cream pink colour)
3 sets of paint pads - Claire wouldn't retrieve her things from the shed as they had a spider sat on them
1 paint roller
1 bottle of white spirits
3 paint brushes

The painting began with covering the blue wallpaper seen in the picture on the right.
Slightly odd finish but it was ok when we came back for the second coat.
We were having a really fun time, Halle was dancing around and all of the bizarre things we did wrong seemed quite amusing. (see picture below...)

We broke for lunch and had a sandwich and a packet of crisps and then went upstairs. It was like a horror film!!! The paint had started OOZING DOWN THE WALL. The room looked as if it was melting!
Paint would not dry!
It had instead turned to a gloopy rubber substance. Cue picture.

At 2pm we had to stip off wallpaper complete with wet paint. It covered us, it covered the floor and it even went on the ceiling. Miraculously at 5.50pm we had managed to stick up the border and get most of the room back to normal.
I'll need therapy for the rest of my life! I was so traumatised by the glooping paint that I was shaking all over and the adrenaline in us to get the job done didn't help!
Am going to go have a verrrry long bath!
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