Today we brought home two little fish - Howard (James's) and Mr Fish (mine) - I would like to point out that the object to the left is not in fact a dead fish but a biro...
(what is going on with the crazy weather?!? Our garden and driveway has flooded again and sewage is squirting up like a whales blowhole in the field in front?! Bloody global warming...)
Major point no. 2
I have done the unthinkable..

I have had a fringe cut in again! dum dum durrrr!
(although as you can tell by picture it is taking some getting used to.. have already started parting it in a manic fashion)
Major point no. 3
Have had an awful week.. I went out with James's sister Amy on Saturday and have felt like crap ever since (must add a note of thanks to James here who stayed up with me whilst inebriated and ill and made everything better)
Major point no. 4
Hurrah! I no longer have Crazy Tutor Woman next year! Hurrah!
Major point no. 5
For those following the growth of my Parents extention - we have the floor joists for the first floor in place. Also, builders managed to build the house the wrong size and shape but it has all been resolved now!