Are my builders playing jenga?

As you can see this is the total work achieved by my builders today..
They arrived at half 8 and vanished an hour after.. very confusing..
They arrived at half 8 and vanished an hour after.. very confusing..
I had also locked my cat in the litchen overnight due to wet cement but when I woke he had gone leaving his own little mark on the building..

Have had the worst nights sleep ever last night.. evil cold has filled my head with snot which swishes from side to side depending on how I position myself.. Also dog from hell Rosie appears to have finally gone mad and spent half of last night crying and keeping me awake. I took her out on her lead at 11, 2.30 and 4am but to no avail. I think she just misses Mum. Finally realise how people with babies must feel and am amazed how they ever get up in the mornings. I actually sat crying and shouting at the dog "JUST TELL ME WHAT IS WRONG! I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT!!!" in a very crazy-lady sort of way.
Have also discovered that James has the sore throat that I had two days ago, very worried now that he wont be able to drive down on Friday night. Illness has made me all clingy and pathetic, i just really need a hug! :(
Luckily my Dad is the worlds number 1 hyperchondriac so there are plenty of lemsips etc. in the house.
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