Thursday, July 27

Why can't boys follow instructions?

The first time James ever cooked for me was about 3 years ago when he actually made me run to the toilet and throw up - I still can't understand why he decided to add quite so much milk to smash and then smother it in gravy.. *shudder*

Well, anyway, apart from that - and the occasion he managed to paint the wall behind the fridge with lasagne - i thought i would leave dinner to him yesterday..

It started off ok, he managed to find the bag of pasta. Next - read out a list of contents and people will bring them to you. Added too much water? not a problem! ladel out the contents of the pasta bake. Top this off with over two times the required amount of cheese and leave for Kate to deal with.

This seems to be how james makes a pasta bake

I think I'll cook tonight...

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