Friday, June 22

Well, that's a first!


Not only did I pass my degree (with first class honours I may add) and have officially paid for my holiday, but when I went into Borders I found a new Mike Gayle book. How good is this week getting?!?

Friday, June 8

Ahh my obviously well remembered Birthday approaches

Dad: Hey - what's your postcode?

Me: have you not sent my birthday card yet?

Dad: It may be a bit late.
We haven't put any money in it either.

me: Er, ok..

Dad: how many stamps am I meant to put on the envelope? Your mother has bought a ridiculously large card..

Oh dear God, what will be arriving in the post?!? I have visions of needing to collect it from the depot and it needing a roof rack..

Thursday, June 7

You know it's time to find a job when...

  • The last 4 items of clothing you bought were £3 or less in a sale
  • You watch clips of Neighbours on youtube where people like Harold Bishop died
  • You fall asleep with the cat on you and wake up slightly dribbling
  • The postman knows that you are in and waits for you to appear when he has a parcel (rather than knocking and walking away)
  • You begin to download random programmes, such as the F word from 4OD, to watch whilst you eat lunch
  • Lunch consists of cold spaghetti hoops as you are too lazy with boredom to actually cook them
  • It's your birthday at the weekend but you can't actually afford to do anything special
  • You get asked to help your sister dismantle shelves on a Wednesday afternoon
  • Having a shower at midday is now part of the "routine"
  • You have a "routine"


Wednesday, June 6


Presenatation over. Oh god - why did I spend the majority of it talking about how the dog in the picture looked like a pig?!? Hopefully they will have a sense of humour (or pity)

Feel quite sad now. It's strange knowing that the people you were so close to for the last three years won't be there anymore. The people who you went on holiday with, who shared your pain at deadlines, who helped you through the trauma. I'll miss every one of them.

Now I'm going to get a coffee before I get emotional!

(oh btw, never got a chance to blog this - night before deadline I had a flat tyre - outside my uni building. So much left to do and I was stranded waiting for the magical AA man to text me back in the pouring rain just metres from my building. I ventured out to get a coffee from Subway but when I got there they only had hot chocolate. Grr. Lost a whole hour that evening..)

Friday, June 1


At 5pm it got locked in the room. That's it. Over.


Cannot believe that I have nothing to do this weekend but things that I want to do!