Thursday, February 15

Some things are just not meant to be... Like getting to uni and actually brushing your teeth

As I exited the shower and threw on some clothes James asked if I could just run him down to the post office to get the FT for uni.

As we left I grabbed his keys, put on a coat and informed him that he would have to go in as I had wet hair, no make-up and hadn't brushed my teeth yet.

Once at the shop James's friend arrived and he went off to uni with him.

With the house keys.

It dawned on me, as I sat helpless on the driveway, that I was a complete state, had no money, no phone and none of my uni work with me.

Oh crap.

I wandered around the garden in a vain attemt to see if there were any hidden keys. There were none.

In the end I ventured up the road to James's Sisters house. Someone was in but reluctant to answer. After three attempts (and about 20 minutes and some emotional brakedown) the door was answered and I managed to call James's Dad, who called his Mum, who gave me James's number which I then rang.

To cut a long story short I ended up driving to Stafford to wait for James to appear from a lecture without any makeup and with crazy drying hair and finally got into the house at half past 3.


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