Friday, December 1

That much anticipation will always lead to a little dissapointment


December the 1st!

Woke up this morning (early - had to go on site visit..) with pre-teenage excitement about opening my first door on my advent calendar. As ever, being the product of my Father, I had to wake up James so I had somebody to open it with me.

me: You go first.
James: (looking like a sleep deprived Hamster) Oh its the one at the top.
me: Ooh what's the picture!
James: Homer dressed as Santa...
me: my turn! Oh..
James: What?
me: There is just brown cardboard on my door..
James: Maybe the picture is behind the chocolate..

No. There was no image behind my chocolate. The chocolate itself, however, resembled a gnome.

The word anti-climax comes to mind...

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