Saturday, January 20

My new years resolutions always begin late..

essay word count: 2780 (good as I restarted essay this morning - long story)
Amount of 5 a day fruit and veg consumed: 2 (and a quarter) not very good..

I never like to decide on a resolution without proper thought. I have decided that my new years resolutions are as follows:

1. Must always put full effort into degree work
2. Must not put off degree work in order to sleep on couch
3. Must get up earlier and make an effort with breakfast
4. Must attempt to have 5 fruit or veg portions a day

Well, my will power is lasting out today, I have managed to do half of my essay this morning - meaning I have broken through the mental block barrier! Hurrah!

V. nice tutor woman helped me - I never realised how much help explaining my essay would be in actually writing it! (sounds silly but it had never occured to me..)

Am also on a healthy new year mission. I am so fed up with eating junk, so have decided to try and keep to the 5-a-day campaign. Also, am starting to have home made bagels with philadelphia, watercress and chicken for lunch next week instead of my usual stress food of kinder egg, cherry lips, peanut chunky kitkat and a rather dubious packaged sandwich.

Oooh - on the subject of "the great gale of 2007" - Noticed through blown over fence panel that neighbours wooden summer house was sat upside down on its roof!

On a lighter note, success of essay is a direct result of buying James his nintendo wii. All praise the Wii.. Have been able to sit and work without any form of interruption :)

I've never seen him get so much exercise playing a game..

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