Tuesday, January 23

TOW kitty goes to the vet

Oh deary me..

Today Kitty went to the vets for her claws to be trimmed and to have an injection of antibiotics.

She was not amused when I removed her from her breakfast and placed her inside a cage. She was also quite upset when I took her up the road to Amy's house in said cage in below freezing temperatures. By the time she got to the vets in Solihull she must have been quite p'd off.

According to Amy my cat managed to turn into a psychopath screaming and hissing and, when detained by two nurses, promptly began to bite everyone. The tried to hold her down with a towel but to no avail.

In the end they put her into a "feisty cat bag." Yes, that is indeed a cat version of those bags that they use on swans..

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