Tuesday, September 12


At last...

My parents will be home in little under 2 hours. The dogs are still alive, the cat has not ran away and I still retain most of my sanity.

I must apologise for not writing, James had his Macbook delivered and has since been hogging the power source and internet. (I must add that I am creating a voodoo van of UPS, evil people have lost the package containing my iPod nano! Lost it!) According to their internet tracking system it is still due to arrive on the 5th.. I must discover the power of time travel which they must posess.. Anyway, enough of the bitterness!

Round up of Yesterday
We went to Porth Clais yesterday, very pretty (although not alot there really) there were some big lime kiln ruins and a harbour wall which I sat on for a bit until James started having panic attacks that I would fall off.
Have tried to add a picture but the "done" button wont load and therefore it wont add!

Building update - Builders missing and presumed drunk

Have not seen builders since thursday. House is still as it was last post although a man appeared today and tidied up (it seems most people are scared of my Dad and his wrath!) Apparently they will be coming back thursday to build up to the roof (I'm presuming that it will take more than one day to do so.. but they were very speedy!)

Anyway, got to go, I have lots of mopping and hoovering to do in antiipation of their return!

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