Wednesday, November 8

Argh! It's all getting too much!

Damn working.

And Damn Uni..

This degree better be worth it!

Stupid tutors have decided that our project will be assessed and go through selection for the RSA competition next Friday.

THS tutor has decided that we must do a seminar on our dissertation worth 20% of our mark next Wednesday. (I must point out that we are the first year to ever have this as part of our dissertation)

Have got to create a decent 20 minute powerpoint presentation with a week and a half notice whilst compiling all of my design work to reach the Friday deadline and due to THS tutor have now got to visit the office of British Waterways and take a trip to Manchester to get primary research. Explained this to other tutor who told me I should only do work for THS for a half day on a Wednesday.

Well that is great advice. Apparently I can be in Manchester, visit an office in Fazeley, write an entire script for seminar and create powerpoint slides in 4 hours.

Add this to the fact that I have to visit the dentist again tonight (yes, yet another £15 wasted) and you may be able to gauge the extent of my misery today..

Have been sat at James's uni on my own in the computer room writing up dissertation seminar script for the last 3 hours. Oh god it's so boring!

2 comments: said...

Why *are* you at James's uni on your days off??

Hm that's irritating. I'm sorry. Silly tutors.

BookWorm said...

Thanks for sympathy.. was in a dark mood!

I go in with James to get work done as A) I am stranded in Stafford and cannot wander into any shopping complexes.. and b) I cannot sit with the cat all day drinking coffee and watching Doctors and Neighbours and Paramount comedy all day.. ahem..