Monday, November 27

I didn't realise Emus produced healing oil...

James was talking to me in the car today (whilst firmly lodged in a long queue of traffic on the M6) and reminded me about one of those times where you want to crawl under a rock and shrivel up.

Last time we went up to Grandma's I was sat on the sofa with James when my Grandma marched up to me declaring -

"Here - put some of this emu oil onto that thing on your face, it will go away much quicker."

I only had a small spot on my face that I happened to itch at that moment, although it did make me feel like I had some hideous growth sticking off my face...

Plus - what the hell is emu oil?!?!?

And yes - that is the same Grandma of terror cracker fame.

On a lighter note - I have an evening off!!!! Oh how glorious!

I presented my project today in front of three tutors in the given time limit of 5 minutes. I have never been so nervous. It went well though...

1 comment: said...

Just realised that title was plural of emu. Not "e-mus"