Tuesday, November 28

I love it when everything fits into place..

What a great day.

I had a lift into uni off James (equates to an extra half hour in bed)

We have a really cool project - which we are getting paid £60 to design by Birmingham City Council!

We finished at 11 instead of 5.30

Whilst in the cinema with my friends (trying to come to terms with new found freedom) a man came up to me in my seat and asked to speak to me outside.

I immediately though "oh dear god - is something wrong with my card? are they going to shout at me because my phone was actually turned on?!?"

Man stood outside and said "do you believe in getting things for free?"

Was quite surreal.. thought he may offer me a red and blue pill at any moment..

I stuttered something along the lines of "it depends what I have to do" which, in hindsight, may have made me sound like a prostitute..

He then handed over to me four free tickets to see the movie "perfume" at a special screening a week before it comes out! Pretty cool..

I then met James and had Pizza Express, and then found out that if James hadn't picked me up today I would have been at the station for hours as someone had jumped in front of the train I needed (obviously day wasn't great for that person..)

Am going to sit in front of the fire and watch Friends whilst drinking coffee and researching the technicalities of Grade I, II and II* listed buildings


billygean.co.uk said...

i have given you legal advice over at bg.co.uk ;)

BookWorm said...

hehe cheers!

billygean.co.uk said...

and again!