Friday, November 24

Busy busy busy... mainly due to dog

Well, trip to York was quite random (lol.. still can't say that with a straight face)

We got to the uni (which was very pretty) and the rain began. I must say though, pretty as it may be, the coffe bar facilities left much to be desired.. - although must point out the technological advancements of the IT post-grad department - their kettle is linked to some kind of touch screen monitor which lets them have a hot drink and takes money from their account!

Must admit though, put that in an art department and there would be mass confusion resulting in someone either bathing screen in coffee or screen being used as piece of "installation" artwork and a new kettle being put next to it...

Quite scared about finding job now.. I may be job hunting in York or Leeds, which is both far away and not particularly hubs of design..

Also worried that the student apartment type accommodation would not let us have the Kitty.. which - lets face it - is the biggest worry of all!

Oooh also had a very festive day today. Absence of James gave opportunity to wrap his presents and then I was on a roll! I must say that this years colour scheme is quite pretty - have gone for turquoise, purple, blue and silver.

As you can tell I had uni work to do. Obviously cannot work in an untidy room so once wrapped, things needed cleaning, polishing etc. Clothes at end of bed finally got put away.. Was just about to start my work (with my coffee and spaghetti hoops) when caught a whiff of bad smell in room and noticed dog had in fact weed on my lovely wicker bin. Grrr. Then spent another half hour cleaning and disenfecting room.

Not happy with dog - he then proceeded to eat the cat's biscuits. When shouted at he jumped with shock and started choking, throwing up biscuits all over the floor - which he then re-ate.


2 comments: said...

hehehe I had missed your blogging!

BookWorm said...

I have been so busy! I never knew year 3 was this bad!

Will try to put more effort into creating blogs..