Monday, November 6

A Date with my Arch Nemesis

Oh god, having your picture taken in a photo booth is a traumatic event...

There was a man outside waiting (he was a bit creepy.. very strange leery smile..) so after the 8th count of the woman saying loudly "if you would like to re-take your picture press the green button" I got incredibly paranoid that man would think that I was either crazy, obsessive or just plain vain and just pressed ok..

I'm not even going to show the faceless people of my blogging world the horrific site that beheld me as that slip of shiny paper dropped from the machine.

I swear I've seen that image on crimewatch.

I have a theory that those machines are statically charged so that your hair goes crazy as soon as you sit down. That added to the fact that it appears to defeat even the strongest concealer gave me a haggard, tired and "mad cat lady" look.

Which I suppose I am..

Oooh also! I am being plagued by pond liners! After my sighting about a week ago, where I had to swerve to avoid one in the middle of the road, I spotted yet another today perched on top of a hedge on the road towards Sutton.. Very strange..

1 comment: said...


How odd.

Please show the photos ;)