Wednesday, October 18

A chat to my blog (I'm so bored and lonely!)

Basically I am sat at home all alone. Now I am a people person at heart and although I do like some alone time I do tend to get a bit, well, lonely. So I have decided that I will sit here and witter on for a while in the hope that I will divert some of my boredom and be able to get on with some uni work.

Yesterday was a good day..

I got further with my work at uni (something that seemed impossible on Monday), I got to see James at lunch in Starbucks (which was yummy on both levels) and I had a good laugh.

James spent the afternoon roaming around Birmingham waiting to pick me up at 5. When asked what he had done all afternoon he simply replied "I gave a pound to a tramp on a bridge."

Today, however, I have become all sleepy and lazy. James left for uni at half 7 leaving me to crawl back into bed and fester. Now I know that when James gets home he will want to go and play tennis. If there is one thing in the world I do not feel like doing today it is play tennis..

In an attempt to get motivated I have turned on my laptop and sat scrunched up on the sofa. In a minute I intend on getting a mug of milky coffee (yes - I do understand that this may make me more sleepy but it is so comforting!) and try to get my design into a CAD plan. At least I will have achieved something today!

Ooh must also take a trip to the bank - I had a phone call on Monday from a strange Birmingham number.

"hello, am I speaking to Kate?"
"Yes, hello...?"
"Hi, I'm from the BIAD faculty office, we have had a cheque arrive for you from your LEA"
"Ooh! OK! I'll come and get it!"

45 seconds, 3 flights of stairs, a trip through the canteen and a trek down a bizarre glass corridoor and I was at the office.

The man seemed shocked that I was there so quick.. I informed him that he would also be that quick if someone was giving him a cheque he didn't have to pay back.

In that respect I have got to say that I am eternally grateful to Wales. They give me money for free, almost like some sort of parental figure of a country... I must say though, I am starting to get quite freaked out about uni coming to an end. In 8 months time I will be in a state of panic.

At Christmas I intend writing to companies explaining my position and requesting interviews. Hopefully I can find somewhere willing to take me on from July. This part of the plan is the part most fragile and prone to failure.

It is a given thing that I have always been unemployable. When I get a job I am a model employee, I am always on time, I get my work complete and I do this to a high standard. Unfortunately I tend to turn into a wreck at interview. I laugh too much, I fidget and I get really aware that this is making me seem like some sort of shoplifter with a guilty conscience.

Anyway, this is turning into a mammouth blog! I am sorry! If you have read all the way to here then well done! You have a greater attention span than I!

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