Sunday, October 22

Work achieved today? .. minimal

Ahh the joys of procrastination..

I have a meeting with my tutor and course leader tomorrow regarding my canal project. 

I have spent from 12 o'clock trying to start some work and ended up encountering the following issues that needed my attention immediately..

  1. Terrible, evil headache brought on by wisdom teeth gouging hole in gums
  2. Toy shopping with James for various Nieces and Nephews
  3. Tummy ache
  4. Time Team on More4 (oh god I know!)
  5. Helping Audrey place some items on ebay
  6. Trying to give subliminal grass eating messages to the cat
  7. Teaching Audrey how to edit her holiday photos
  8. Watching James play theme hospital
  9. Folding up our beast of a tent (this was a mean feat! Tent was 6m x 6m and had to fit into a small rectangular bag)
I know for a fact that dinner will be ready soon, my headache is making a reappearance and I will want to go for a bath soon...

Am I ever to get any work done?


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