Wednesday, August 16

Another fire related tale..

For those who read yesterdays post - I didn't notice at the time, but on closer inspection the rag in the driveway had a remnant of tupperware box in it so I now understand the vile plastic fumes!
Have finally been able to put a picture of it on the page - please note the small puddle and the pile of tinfoil. For those with good eyesight you may even be able to see a brillo pad snuggled in there!

Told James what had happened when he rang at lunch and he laughed and told me he pictured a Sim-like reaction from me. Also informed me of an amusing fire related anecdote from the world of IT support. Yesterday a man called up to say he was struggling to do a back up and he needed it done quickly as the building was on fire! See, am not the only idiot in the world...

Yesterday also saw the passing of my TV. The picture randomly goes and you have to hit the top. I did that yesterday and the screen turned white. I now have to watch TV through my laptop (James's mum and dad got me a digital receiver for my 21st so I could watch neighbours at uni.. I know, I am pathetic!)

On reflection, yesterday was pretty bad! After all of the trauma in the day we went with Tom to play tennis. Tom promptly injured himself tripping up on a tennis ball.

Hopefully today will be better! I will report back tonight!

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