Sunday, August 20

Weekend summary

Trouser Trouble

This weekend a total of 4 pairs of jeans made their way to the dustbin..

Pair 1: Large tear down backside that I didn't notice until the evening..
Pair 2: A fatality of the tumble drier due to broken thermostat - flapped around ankles

Pair 3: The zip randomly came down during the day to reveal my underwear
Pair 4: Slapstick comedy moment where I tripped up over the dog and ripped the backside of my jeans open..

Bored Games

"that is improper use of a body part!"

An action packed weekend of monopoly (grr) and a strange balancing game which prompted the above outburst. (stu was being a pigeon too close to the game...)

4 Hours of toiling

This morning I went to a random craft centre and fell in love with a small ornament thi
ng of a cat..
Before I could put it in the room James decided we had to clear a space for it in our downstairs room. Cue 4 hours of hoovering, manovering and recycling with an awful lot of cursing under the breath. The cat looks great though!

On the subject of pictures..

My camera returned from Nikon ! Hurrah!

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