Tuesday, August 22

Comfort in Cheese

I was feeling quite ill yesterday and spent til 4pm in my bed drifting in and out of sleep with my dvd of pride and prejudice on.. Occasionally the dogs would bark and I would try to yell at them in a dignified manner .. ahem.. and the cat was heard wandering around the house meowing at inanimate objects. I survived the day on one bowl of "Raisin Wheats" which, by midday, had developed into some form of wheaty cement. When James rang to say he was on his way home from work I thought I should really get changed.

Me being croaky and ill on the couch seemed to really effect James as he came in the house, got changed and propmtly turned on his computer in the other end of the house. hmm.

I tried to look pathetic and still no comfort.

After dinner, where I sat next to him and tried to eat 2 pieces of bacon, I managed to gain the biggest form of sympathy James can offer. As I lay on the couch he gave me a big hug and produced a big plate of cheese. Strange, I know, but those who know James will understand (he has an obsession with all things cheese based).

I must point out that James did consume most of the cheese and that it was part of the forbidden cheese plate which was in our fridge that was not ours to eat.. hehehe...

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