Thursday, August 24

In memory of Lloyd, a perfect little cat

V. upsetting evening, whilst packing for the holiday James's cat Lloyd was ran over at the front of the house. James's friend saw it happen and was really kind bringing in the cat for us.

He was very loving and incredably cuddly. I miss him already.

4 comments: said...

Oh no it's horrible isn't it! :(

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Poor Lloyd.
And what beautiful markings.
Cats are v special. They see things we don't. And know things we don't.

We have twenty-three feral outdoor cats, and five indoors.
All special.

BookWorm said...

Thanks guys, put a bit of a downer on the camping but never mind..

James's sister has a cat called Benny and he has already started sniffing out the new terratory!

So happy my Kitty can't go outside.. said...

Do kate and andrew know oneanother?