Tuesday, August 29

11 hours? really??

Bear in mind, I have just travelled home from Wales in Bank holiday traffic and made it home in 5 hours. That is usually quite a long journey.

Now, my logic would suggest that trains travel quicker than cars, yes?

According to national rail, if i want to go to Mum and Dads on Wednesday evening and I leave at half 7, it will take me 11 and a half hours!!! oh dear god!

James wants me to go on Thursday morning (incidently the train in the morning would only take 4 and a half hours) but my Mum wants my help with a clean on Thursday morning.. If I go on Wednesday midday I will upset James (he won't see me for a week as it is) but if i go on Thursday it will upset my Mum...

Urgh.. I just don't know what to do..


billygean.co.uk said...

You see james all the time. If you're not gonna see him for 7 days what's another day?

Mike left me on Friday to go cycling, I am hoping he returns soon!


BookWorm said...

lol, good point.. Although the power of James moaning is not to be underestimated!!!

I think i may try a reallly early train on thursday.. At least I can get the car MOT done tomorrow...

If the cycling is anything like what I did, the bruised backside may make him a bit slower on the return journey!